
Showing posts from October, 2020

Romantic Art Assessment

 Romanticism Vs. Realism      Welcome back to my blog! After diving into the Romantic era, I've decided to compare the stylings of Romanticism art and Realism art since they're both very influential and fascinating to study. I feel like Romanticism is very much my type of art. I've mentioned before that I'm highly drawn to artwork involving green, flourishing nature with calm or rushing waters. I've noticed that there are a lot of paintings in the Romanticism category that use dreamy, lush landscapes and nature, which I desire. So far, the work I've seen in Realism is incredibly striking and straightforward.. yet slightly  monotonous for my taste.  Romanticism Artwork - The Hudson River School      The Romantic era was the movement that rejected the formality of Neoclassicism and, instead, embraced emotion .  This  movement emphasized the sublimity and beauty of nature, and dominated American art during this period, especially the untamed American West that was

Classical Art Assessment

  Classical Era     Hello, and welcome back to my blog! During the Classical era, the growth in wealth of the middle class blurred the lines between the classes. This blurring is especially prominent in the art that was birthed from this era. Artists and musicians were creating works and composing songs that everyone enjoyed. These artists were no longer catering solely to the upper classes. A result of this cohesion lead to the introduction of new art styles and forms: Rococo and Neoclassical. For my art assessment, I'll be sharing artwork from Francois Boucher, William Hogarth, and Angelica Kauffman.  The Toilette of Venus      The Toilette of Venus  was painted by Francois Boucher in 1751 with oil on a canvas. Boucher was a french artist that specialized in Rococo style art. The Toilette of Venus was executed for Madame Le Pompadour, Boucher's most significant patron. In this painting, a beautiful woman is depicted with three small angelic babies playfully surrounding her.

Baroque Art Assessment Blog

Welcome to the Baroque Era     Hello, and welcome back to my blog. This time around, we dove into the Baroque Era, which I have to admit - I had never heard of this era until we learned it in class, and I'm still having slight trouble pronouncing it correctly! The art work that was established from this era is stylistically complex, but the desire to evoke emotions in dramatic ways underlies its manifestations. For my blog assessment, I wanted to choose a painting that was a little out of my comfort zone, in hopes that it would help expand the way I perceive art and broaden my horizons of art. I was fascinated by numerous pieces from this era, but the one I chose to dissect is the work from a Dutch painter, Rembrandt Harmenszoon Van Rijn, titled The Night Watch. Rembrandt is considered one of the most influential artists of his time. His paintings are characterized by incredible brushwork, rich color, and a mastery in chiaroscuro.  The Night Watch     The Night Watch  was painted i