Hi, I’m Chandler!

 Hey guys, welcome to my work-in-progress blog 🌸 The main theme I am going for is floral waters, which is my idea of my two favorite things about nature: flowers and moving water. I am 22 years old, I was born and raised in the cold state of Alaska, and I thoroughly enjoy coffee, nature, dogs, and my boyfriend. I’ve been slinging coffee for about 8 years now, and it’s still one of my favorite things to do. I love a good white chocolate americano with oat milk paired with a big breakfast burrito. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day since I wake up thinking about food RIGHT away. Preparing meals is an art form for me, because I take such pride and joy in it. I love cooking and baking, and I strive to become better at the two with some good ol’ trial and error. So far, I make AMAZING homemade banana bread and chicken parmesan pasta. I plan on living in Alaska until I retire at least. Alaska has much to offer my boyfriend and I. After college, I am planning on working as a certified radiology technician, and my boyfriend is expecting a long career as an Alaska State Trooper. Together, we plan to have a good life of building our careers, finding or building our dream house, summers of hunting and fishing, raising our fur babies and maybe even real babies (we’ll see what the future brings us), and adventuring among our beautiful state (and maybe even Hawaii a couple times since that’s my favorite place to vacation to). 

My relationship to art travels back to when I was in elementary school. I used to draw and doodle every single day, all day. I would write my own short stories and illustrate all the pictures as well. In the 6th grade, my first dream career was to be an illustrator. Today, my goals have changed a bit, but I still find joy in drawing and painting. Even though I find joy in it, I’m not actually that great at it! I took a drawing class last semester at UAF and it was so insanely fun. I would’ve taken that class over and over again if I could. It never felt like work to have to draw for a grade. That class was my therapeutic get away from my other intense science based classes. Drawing in general still remains my escape from reality. I am not much of a sculpture-loving person. I find more interest in drawings and paintings. I have been to a couple of First Friday’s, but I haven’t gone in a very long time. I enjoy going, but I just haven’t made the time to attend one in a while! I don’t own any art, but once I buy a house (in the next year or so hopefully) I plan to fill it with local paintings from artist’s here in Alaska. I am really drawn to moving water and sea creatures, so I would like to find art involving water, salmon, whales, and mermaids. 

The picture I attached is a watercolor piece by an Alaskan artist named Brenda Schwartz-Yeager, and the piece is called “Overseer”. It depicts a beautiful dock with gift shops or bed and breakfast’s lining the walkway. It makes me feel like I’m staying in one of the rooms in one of the buildings, sipping coffee with my significant other, listening to the waves crashing and flowing and feeling the cool Alaska summer air flow into the windows and onto my cheeks. The trees are lined up behind us, so we can hear birds and squirrels chirping along with the sounds of the ocean. I would love to own this piece some day. (https://www.marineartist.com/collections/original-paintings/products/overseer)

I hope you all enjoyed my first blog entry! There will be more to come :) See you another time 

From, Chandler 


  1. I love your theme! Can’t wait for more posts from you!

  2. Good for you for posting the work of an Alaskan artist. I have quite a few original works from artist friends. Owning a work by Ms Schwartz-Yeager would be an excellent goal. Heck, you could even go to Wrangell and meet her. Breakfast! I haven't eaten breakfast in years.

  3. Hey Chandler! I am also an avid coffee and breakfast lover! Although, I work on a night shift so my breakfast and coffee is around 3 or 4pm everyday. Based on your post, I think you should definitely come cook for me! I hope you and your boyfriend are very successful in your careers and continue to grow with each other.

  4. Hi Chandler, I like cooking, but as I am taking four classes and it is hard for me to cook and do a lot of homework at the same time in a day, so I stick to homework and let my sons cook. I like coffee in the morning also.


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